Class: Bridgetown::Configuration
- Inherits:
- Object
- HashWithDotAccess::Hash
- Bridgetown::Configuration
- Defined in:
- bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb,
The primary configuration object for a Bridgetown project
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: ConfigurationDSL, Initializer, Preflight, SourceManifest
Constant Summary collapse
rubocop:disable Style/MutableConstant
%i(parse_routes ssr)
Default options. Overridden by values in bridgetown.config.yml or initializers. Strings rather than symbols are used for compatibility with YAML.
{ # Where things are "root_dir" => Dir.pwd, "plugins_dir" => "plugins", "source" => "src", "destination" => "output", "collections_dir" => "", "cache_dir" => ".bridgetown-cache", "layouts_dir" => "_layouts", "components_dir" => "_components", "islands_dir" => "_islands", "partials_dir" => "_partials", "collections" => {}, "taxonomies" => { category: { key: "categories", title: "Category" }, tag: { key: "tags", title: "Tag" }, }, "autoload_paths" => [], "inflector" =>, "eager_load_paths" => [], "autoloader_collapsed_paths" => [], "additional_watch_paths" => [], "defaults" => [], # Handling Reading "include" => [".htaccess", "_redirects", ".well-known"], "exclude" => [], "keep_files" => [".git", ".svn", "_bridgetown"], "encoding" => "utf-8", "markdown_ext" => "markdown,mkdown,mkdn,mkd,md", "strict_front_matter" => false, "slugify_mode" => "pretty", # Filtering Content "future" => false, "unpublished" => false, "ruby_in_front_matter" => true, # Conversion "template_engine" => "erb", "markdown" => "kramdown", "highlighter" => "rouge", "support_data_as_view_methods" => true, # Output Configuration "base_path" => "/", "available_locales" => [:en], "default_locale" => :en, "prefix_default_locale" => false, "permalink" => "pretty", "timezone" => nil, # use the local timezone "quiet" => false, "verbose" => false, "liquid" => { "error_mode" => "warn", "strict_filters" => false, "strict_variables" => false, }, "kramdown" => { "auto_ids" => true, "toc_levels" => (1..6).to_a, "entity_output" => "as_char", "smart_quotes" => "lsquo,rsquo,ldquo,rdquo", "input" => "GFM", "hard_wrap" => false, "guess_lang" => true, "footnote_nr" => 1, "show_warnings" => false, "include_extraction_tags" => false, "mark_highlighting" => true, }, "development" => { "fast_refresh" => true, }, }.each_with_object( { |(k, v), hsh| hsh[k] = v.freeze }.freeze
%w( .sass-cache .bridgetown-cache gemfiles Gemfile Gemfile.lock gems.rb gems.locked node_modules vendor/bundle/ vendor/cache/ vendor/gems/ vendor/ruby/ ).freeze
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#initializers ⇒ Hash<Symbol, Initializer>
#roda_initializers ⇒ Array<Proc>
#source_manifests ⇒ Set<SourceManifest>
Class Method Summary collapse
.from(user_config, starting_defaults = DEFAULTS) ⇒ Configuration
Produce a Configuration ready for use in a Site.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#add_default_collections ⇒ Object
rubocop:todo all.
#add_destination_paths ⇒ Object
(also: #add_default_excludes)
#check_include_exclude ⇒ Object
#config_files(override) ⇒ Array<string>
Generate list of configuration files from the override.
#get_config_value_with_override(config_key, override) ⇒ Object
#initialize_roda_app(app) ⇒ Object
#merge_environment_specific_options! ⇒ Object
Merge in environment-specific options, if present.
#quiet(override = {}) ⇒ Object
(also: #quiet?)
#read_config_file(file) ⇒ Hash
Read configuration and return merged Hash.
#read_config_files(files) ⇒ Hash
Read in a list of configuration files and merge with this hash.
#root_dir(override = {}) ⇒ String
Directory of the top-level root where config files are located.
#run_initializers!(context:) ⇒ Object
rubocop:todo Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity.
#safe_load_file(filename) ⇒ Object
#setup_load_paths!(appending: false) ⇒ Object
rubocop:todo Metrics.
#setup_locales ⇒ Object
#setup_post_init! ⇒ Object
#should_execute_inline_ruby? ⇒ Boolean
#source(override = {}) ⇒ String
Directory of the Bridgetown source folder.
#uses_postcss? ⇒ Boolean
Whether or not PostCSS is being used to process stylesheets.
#verbose(override = {}) ⇒ Object
(also: #verbose?)
Methods inherited from HashWithDotAccess::Hash
Instance Attribute Details
#initializers ⇒ Hash<Symbol, Initializer>
109 110 111 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 109 def initializers @initializers end |
#roda_initializers ⇒ Array<Proc>
169 170 171 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 169 def roda_initializers @roda_initializers ||= [] end |
#source_manifests ⇒ Set<SourceManifest>
164 165 166 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 164 def source_manifests @source_manifests ||= end |
Class Method Details
.from(user_config, starting_defaults = DEFAULTS) ⇒ Configuration
Produce a Configuration ready for use in a Site. It takes the input, fills in the defaults where values do not exist.
119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 119 def from(user_config, starting_defaults = DEFAULTS) Utils.deep_merge_hashes(starting_defaults.deep_dup, . .setup_load_paths! .setup_locales .add_default_collections .add_destination_paths .check_include_exclude end |
Instance Method Details
#add_default_collections ⇒ Object
rubocop:todo all
335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 335 def add_default_collections # rubocop:todo all # It defaults to `{}`, so this is only if someone sets it to null manually. return self if self[:collections].nil? # Ensure we have a hash. if self[:collections].is_a?(Array) self[:collections] = self[:collections].each_with_object({}) do |collection, hash| hash[collection] = {} end end # Setup default collections self[:collections][:posts] = {} unless self[:collections][:posts] self[:collections][:posts][:output] = true self[:collections][:posts][:sort_direction] ||= "descending" self[:collections][:pages] = {} unless self[:collections][:pages] self[:collections][:pages][:output] = true self[:collections][:data] = {} unless self[:collections][:data] self[:collections][:data][:output] = false self end |
#add_destination_paths ⇒ Object Also known as: add_default_excludes
367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 367 def add_destination_paths self["keep_files"] << "_bridgetown" unless self["keep_files"].nil?.! && self["keep_files"].include?("_bridgetown") return self if self["exclude"].nil? self["exclude"].concat(DEFAULT_EXCLUDES).uniq! self end |
#check_include_exclude ⇒ Object
384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 384 def check_include_exclude %w(include exclude).each do |option| next unless key?(option) next if self[option].is_a?(Array) raise Bridgetown::Errors::InvalidConfigurationError, "'#{option}' should be set as an array, but was: #{self[option].inspect}." end self end |
#config_files(override) ⇒ Array<string>
Generate list of configuration files from the override
219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 219 def config_files(override) # Adjust verbosity quickly Bridgetown.logger.adjust_verbosity( quiet: quiet?(override), verbose: verbose?(override) ) # Get configuration from <root_dir>/<matching_default_config> # or <root_dir>/<config_file> if there's a command line override. # By default only the first matching config file will be loaded, but # multiple configs can be specified via command line. config_files = override["config"] config_files = "bridgetown.config.yml" if config_files.to_s.empty? Array(config_files) end |
#get_config_value_with_override(config_key, override) ⇒ Object
179 180 181 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 179 def get_config_value_with_override(config_key, override) override[config_key] || self[config_key] || DEFAULTS[config_key] end |
#initialize_roda_app(app) ⇒ Object
173 174 175 176 177 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 173 def initialize_roda_app(app) roda_initializers.each do |initializer| initializer.(app) end end |
#merge_environment_specific_options! ⇒ Object
Merge in environment-specific options, if present
283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 283 def self[Bridgetown.environment]&.each_key do |k| self[k] = self[Bridgetown.environment][k] end delete(Bridgetown.environment) self end |
#quiet(override = {}) ⇒ Object Also known as: quiet?
199 200 201 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 199 def quiet(override = {}) get_config_value_with_override("quiet", override) end |
#read_config_file(file) ⇒ Hash
Read configuration and return merged Hash
263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 263 def read_config_file(file) default_config_file = file == "bridgetown.config.yml" file = File.(file) # We don't care if default config is missing, we can return blank: return {} if !File.exist?(file) && default_config_file file_config = safe_load_file(file) unless file_config.is_a?(Hash) raise ArgumentError, "Configuration file: (INVALID) #{file}".yellow end Bridgetown.logger.debug "Configuration file:", file file_config rescue SystemCallError Bridgetown.logger.error "Fatal:", "The configuration file '#{file}' could not be found." raise LoadError, "missing configuration file" end |
#read_config_files(files) ⇒ Hash
Read in a list of configuration files and merge with this hash
240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 240 def read_config_files(files) config = self begin files.each do |config_file| next if config_file.nil? || config_file.empty? new_config = read_config_file(config_file) config = Utils.deep_merge_hashes(self, new_config) end rescue ArgumentError => e Bridgetown.logger.warn "WARNING:", "Error reading configuration. Using defaults " \ "(and options)." warn e end config end |
#root_dir(override = {}) ⇒ String
Directory of the top-level root where config files are located
187 188 189 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 187 def root_dir(override = {}) get_config_value_with_override("root_dir", override) end |
#run_initializers!(context:) ⇒ Object
rubocop:todo Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity
130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 130 def run_initializers!(context:) # rubocop:todo Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity initializers_file = File.join(root_dir, "config", "initializers.rb") unless File.file?(initializers_file) setup_load_paths! appending: true return end load initializers_file return unless initializers # no initializers have been set up init_init = initializers[:init] return unless init_init && !init_init.completed Bridgetown.logger.debug "Initializing:", "Running initializers with `#{context}' context in:" Bridgetown.logger.debug "", initializers_file self.init_params = {} cached_url = url&.include?("//localhost") ? url : nil dsl = self, data: self) dsl.instance_variable_set(:@context, context) dsl.instance_exec(dsl, &init_init.block) dsl._run_builtins! self.url = cached_url if cached_url # restore local development URL if need be setup_post_init! self end |
#safe_load_file(filename) ⇒ Object
209 210 211 212 213 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 209 def safe_load_file(filename) YAMLParser.load_file(filename) || {} rescue Psych::DisallowedClass => e raise "Unable to parse `#{File.basename(filename)}'. #{e.}" end |
#setup_load_paths!(appending: false) ⇒ Object
rubocop:todo Metrics
292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 292 def setup_load_paths!(appending: false) # rubocop:todo Metrics self[:root_dir] = File.(self[:root_dir]) self[:source] = File.(self[:source], self[:root_dir]) self[:destination] = File.(self[:destination], self[:root_dir]) unless appending autoload_paths.unshift({ path: File.(self[:plugins_dir], self[:root_dir]), eager: true, }) autoload_paths.unshift({ path: File.(self[:islands_dir], self[:source]), eager: true, }) end! do |load_path| if load_path.is_a?(Hash) = File.(load_path[:path], self[:root_dir]) self[:eager_load_paths] << if load_path[:eager] next end File.(load_path, self[:root_dir]) end! do |collapsed_path| File.(collapsed_path, self[:root_dir]) end! do |collapsed_path| File.(collapsed_path, self[:root_dir]) end self end |
#setup_locales ⇒ Object
329 330 331 332 333 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 329 def setup_locales self.default_locale = default_locale.to_sym!(&:to_sym) self end |
#setup_post_init! ⇒ Object
159 160 161 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 159 def setup_post_init! add_destination_paths.setup_load_paths! appending: true end |
#should_execute_inline_ruby? ⇒ Boolean
379 380 381 382 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 379 def should_execute_inline_ruby? ENV["BRIDGETOWN_RUBY_IN_FRONT_MATTER"] != "false" && self["ruby_in_front_matter"] end |
#source(override = {}) ⇒ String
Directory of the Bridgetown source folder
195 196 197 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 195 def source(override = {}) get_config_value_with_override("source", override) end |
#uses_postcss? ⇒ Boolean
Whether or not PostCSS is being used to process stylesheets.
399 400 401 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 399 def uses_postcss? File.exist?(Bridgetown.sanitized_path(root_dir, "postcss.config.js")) end |
#verbose(override = {}) ⇒ Object Also known as: verbose?
204 205 206 |
# File 'bridgetown-core/lib/bridgetown-core/configuration.rb', line 204 def verbose(override = {}) get_config_value_with_override("verbose", override) end |